When I went to school we were taught that Mont Blanc was the tallest mountain in Europe. Well, it isn’t any longer.

Year: 2009
Technique: Animation HD PAL, English voice-over
Duration: 1.39 min
Voice: Dave Morris
It is late on election night 2014. The Alliance, with the new Labour Party in the lead, has prevailed for the third time in a row. In an interview new Labour Party chairman, comrade Fredrik Reinfeldt, reveals why he wants to reinstate slavery in Sweden. The work-actual meanings are drawn to a head when the final solution for welfare dependency is launched.
Year: 2010
Technique: Animation HD PAL, Swedish dialogue
Duration: 4.08 min
Voices: Frans Einarsson, Björn Perborg
Based on a true story. Swedish Migration Board sends a letter to an individual asylum seeker, instructing him to meet with his case officer to discuss an apprenticeship. Actually it’s a trap and the police are waiting. The asylum seeker is arrested and deported from the country. He then »disappears«.
Year: 2001
Technique: Animation SD PAL, Swedish dialogue
Duration: 2.10 min
n the style of a children’s television program, the making of the world’s most expensive perfume, Carambole, with the irresistible fragrance of a new born babies, is revealed.
Year: 2000
Technique: Animation PAL, French dialogue, English or Swedish subtitles
Duration: 2.12 min
Voices: Michel Droetto, Irene Elmerot