An exhibition consisting of five oversized suitcases and a two channel video installation. In a personal way, all the works reflect upon places, travelling, origin and nostalgia. Every suitcase hosts a miniature art exhibition space inside. Suitcase 1 shows an installation with an animation, »The warmest winter in 250 years«.
Suitcase 2 shows another animation, »The tallest mountain in Europe«. Suitcase 3 shows another animation, »The city I live in«. Suitcase 4 shows yet another animation, »All the dead I’ve seen«. Suitcase 5 shows a photo exhibition entitled »Airport chapels«. It is a series of architecture documentation, documenting airport chapels – the prayer or meditation rooms that are to be found in most international airports. Also included is »The trip to America«, a slideshow with narration.
Finally, a two channel video installation is completing the show. It is »Immigrant Song«, in which, on one screen, Berlin-based drummer Hannes Lingens plays a variation of the drum groove from Led Zeppelin’s »Immigrant Song« using firework rockets as drumsticks. On the other screen fireworks on a night sky go off in synchronization with the drumbeats from the first screen.

Year: 2009
Technique: Plywood, fittings, cloth, paint, LCD-screens, media players, photo, LED-light, video, animation
Dimensions: 150 m2 (179.4 yd2)